Center for Sustainable Landscapes and Communities

our mission

Building knowledge and facilitating dialogue around land use in Colorado.

Public lands are an integral part of strong, sustainable communities. But we don’t always know how to manage those lands to meet everyone’s needs. The CLSC is a collaboration between faculty, students, organizations, agencies, and committed residents in and around Boulder County, to engage in conversations about the future of our landscapes and communities.

Aerial view of north campus and the city of Boulder

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& Activities

Throughout the year, we host workshops and activities that bring science and community together to tackle important environmental challenges affecting the Boulder region. Our goals are to increase scientific understanding of important management issues, like forest fire and climate change, and to provide a space for constructive dialogue, where we work together to understand and design plans for action in our community.

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our history

Lands and people in the front range

In 1967, Boulder, Colorado became the first municipality in the US to approve a local sales tax increase to fund an open space system. Boulder County followed suit in 1973. This model has since been replicated in hundreds of cities and counties throughout the US, but it was all started right here, in the front range.

At the CSLC, we develop research, education, and engagement projects to address the long-term sustainability needs of our natural lands and human communities.

These needs include the conservation and restoration of native ecosystems, access to nature and outdoor recreation, and the requirements for a viable agricultural economy that can support and be supported by local communities. Learn more about our work ⟶

The Boulder Flatirons on a sunny day, with the mountains reflected in a pond.
Cabbage grows in a neighborhood garden in the city.
Street view of the West End of Pearl Street

We need YOUR help in designing a sustainable future for Colorado ecosystems and human communities.

Our mission is to engage ALL members of the front range community in the science, policy, and management of our public-land ecosystems. We want to co-create knowledge, foster productive and inclusive conversations, and design landscapes that maintain viable natural, agricultural, and human spaces throughout Colorado and the west.